My New Book Baby! Kora Kerplunk's Travelling Tongue

Over 2 years ago I submitted a little story called 'Kora Kerplunk's Runaway Tongue' to Larrikin House. I crossed my fingers, prayed, gave offerings to the muses (at least I imagined myself doing that...) and then one day, joy of joys, I heard back from them saying THEY WANTED TO PUBLISH MY STORY! Any author knows that this is a huge deal, and I was so excited ('jumping out of my skin' is probably a good description).
Then came Covid... dang Covid. This threw the entire world into chaos, and time frames got changed and rearranged. But you know what they say, 'Good things come to those who wait'..

Kora is out in the world! I couldn't be happier. Peter Olczyk, the illustrator for Kora, has done just the most wonderful job of bringing this story to life. He has made Kora wild, feisty, but still very sweet and relatable. And her tongue? Well, it's a character all of it's own. Who would've thought you could make a tongue cute?
To make things even MORE exciting, my dear friend-in-writing, Sharon J. Boyce, also has a book coming out next month- 'There's a Shark at My School'! We've decided to hold a joint book launch to celebrate the arrivals of our newest book babies!
If you live in Newcastle (Australia) or Maitland, we'll be launching our books in Thornton on Saturday the 26th of March 2022! It all kicks off at 10:30am at Unit 1, 10 Pipeclay Avenue, Thornton. There will be games, craft, prizes, and Sharon and I will be reading our new releases to the public! Woo-hoo. Copies of our books will also be on sale, thanks to Harry Hartog Green Hills who will be hosting a pop-up stall at the event! Suh-weet! We'd love to see you there!
